This article will show you how to programmatically update DNS settings for your domain registered on godaddy.
- A registered and valid domain on godaddy
- Your home server which host your domain can run a shell script.
The idea is running a cron job updating your godaddy DNS setting periodically in case your IP is changed by your ISP
Create an “A” record on your DNS record table
Type Name Data TTL
A @ 600 seconds
# The data will be changed once you have your script running, (Your current IP will show there)
Create godaddy API key to access developer API
Go to to create an API key, you’ll need this key and secret later
Create bash script to update DNS record
# Replace with your domain here
# Make sure you have a colon separate your api key and secret
myip=`curl -s ""`
dnsdata=`curl -s -X GET -H "Authorization: sso-key ${gdapikey}" "${mydomain}/records/A/${myhostname}"`
gdip=`echo $dnsdata | cut -d ',' -f 1 | tr -d '"' | cut -d ":" -f 2`
echo "`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'` - Current External IP is $myip, GoDaddy DNS IP is $gdip"
if [ "$gdip" != "$myip" -a "$myip" != "" ]; then
echo "IP has changed!! Updating on GoDaddy"
curl -s -X PUT "${mydomain}/records/A/${myhostname}" -H "Authorization: sso-key ${gdapikey}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[{\"data\": \"${myip}\"}]"
logger -p $logdest "Changed IP on ${hostname}.${mydomain} from ${gdip} to ${myip}"
Create a cron job to run bash script in background.
In redhat 7, you can put your script under /etc/cron.daily/
folder, the cron job will pick up and run updating DNS script daily.
Check your cron job log
tail /var/log/cron-<yyyymmdd>