Configure Maven in macOS

This article will show you how to configure apache maven in your macOS

Locate your maven install directory

eg. Suppose your maven install location as below:


Create or Update .bash_profile file

Create a .bash_profile in root folder if you don’t have one, if there’s one, update the file, add below content at the end of the file.

export M2_HOME="/Users/yourname/Development/apache-maven-3.9.3"
export PATH

Save and close terminal app, relaunch terminal and run maven command to check version

mvn -v

If you still got something error message like : “zsh: command not found: mvn”, try to run below command to apply the change

source .bash_profile

If you have below error message, make sure to double check your java home settings

The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly,

Correct java home settings should be something like below, DON’T MISS the “Contents/Home” part.

export JAVA_HOME="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-xx.x.x/Contents/Home"

After above command, you should be able to use mvn command via terminal app


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